Welcome to The Juice a website that pertains to people like you and me. Information that is informative, giving you whats real. Feel free to leave questions and or comments. You can email me at turner2210@yahoo.com or you can follow me on twitter @MaxAmilliE87. I'll Holla!

The Juice,Freshly Squeezed Daily

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Juice

Wake and Bake today is July 7th, 2010. The weather is going to be HOT! this week. Drink plenty water, and wear a hat for protection, and for those with illnesses try to stay in the house or in a cool area as much as possible. If your looking for a summer part-time job the Ohio State Fair is hiring for all positions today from 1-4. 717 East 17th Avenue, Columbus Ohio 43211. Get their early the line will be long.

Question of the week:
 If a guy your talking to finds out about your past ,should you lie or tell the truth?.

Thats been my time ladies and gentlemen, same place , same time I'll Holla!!!PEACE

The Juice, Freshly Squeezed Daily.

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