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The Juice,Freshly Squeezed Daily

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Juice

Montana Fishburne -- aka "Chippy D" -- tells TMZ, "[My dad] is very upset. I heard that he's mad at me but I haven't spoken to him yet. I feel pretty confident that I can work things out with him."

But here's where she might be wrong -- adding, "I think he wants to support me in everything I do, and though he sees this now as a negative, I believe in time he will view it as a positive."

According to Montana, she and Morpheus have always been on good terms -- in fact, up until the whole porn thing, she claims they spoke on a weekly basis. However, Montana also tells us she never gave her dad a heads-up on the porno news.
Montana tells us she plans to meet with her father soon to hash everything out.

As we previously reported, Montana decided to star in a sex tape for Vivid Entertainment in the hopes that she can further her career in Hollywood ... a la Kim Kardashian.

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