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The Juice,Freshly Squeezed Daily

Monday, August 2, 2010


Lindsay Lohan has been released from Lynwood Correctional Facility after serving less than two weeks behind bars. A spokesman for the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department told photogs gathered outside Lynwood that Lindsay was released at about 1:35 AM. She was taken to UCLA Medical Center to begin her rehab treatment. Despite being sentenced to serve 90 days at the Lynwood Correctional Facility and the expectation she’d serve 23 days due to overcrowding, the Hollyweird actress has made her way to rehab, where she’ll address her issues for the required 90 days.

This is a bunch of bull, she should have served her time. Sh*t like this just show's me that the justice system only works for those who can afford to pay to get out. SMH!

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